As a teenager I didn’t enjoy listening to tatik (grandma in Armenian) tell me about Jesus. I thought I believe in God that should be enough. It was also annoying every time she’d tell me she had been praying for me because I didn't feel like there was anything wrong with me that needed to be prayed about. My idea of church was only the elderly and people who need help go there. I don’t because I’m fine and I believe in God. I also didn't like church because they were full of hypocrites. But the way her and her daughters continued talking about Him and the peace that they brought with them when they came over to visit us made me question things and want what they had. Their kindness was also sincere and I could tell they really cared about me. They had invited me to church a couple of times but I had rejected their invite every time due to busy plans, better things to do on a Wednesday night and Sundays. I wonder why they were so into it though.
When I was fresh out of high school, 17 years young, during summer vacation, before staring my first year of college, mid-June of 2001, I was home alone and was doing a lot of thinking about life, my future, what I wanted to do, the major I was going to go for in college and how I was miserably single and seemed like none of them met would fill up this empty void in me. I thought there must be more to life other than what they taught us in school with humanity, evolution and survival. I thought if survival is what we are here for they why do we always want more than just that? With all of these questions, and the seeking of answers, I asked God to make himself real to me and immediately after I felt this warmth like blanket cover me and I couldn’t deny the encounter that day. I cried tears of joy and I knew that I knew in my heart that there was more to Life and that I just might have found it. I ran to our phone and called my cousin’s cell but she didn’t answer. Then, I called the house phone and grandma picked up. It turned out her daughter was in Hawaii with the family and she was home alone. I told her the next time she goes to church; I want to go with her. With excitement she asked will you pick me up this Wednesday and we’ll go together?
That Wednesday, I gave my life to Jesus. I felt something in my heart that I couldn’t describe in words but my heart found all the answers it had been searching for. I got saved at Media City Church June 2001. Ever since then, my life hasn’t been the same. It’s like I was lost but now I’m found. I was blind but now I can see. My spirit was dead but now alive in Christ. All old things are gone and behold all things are made new.
I pray that you come to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, in order that you may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
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