April 13, 2012

Expect the Unexpected- God will use others to give to you through them.

Basic rule denied by most especially me, from what I thought was a humble up bringing, and one that doesn't like to put others in a bind or an uncomfortable position, I've learned these lessons from Eliza Cholakian:
When given a gift accept it, when offered assistance accept it, and EXPECT IT and most of all always be thankful for them.
People will go out their way to find, plan, and give you a gift. They will pour their heart into it. They may think you deserve, they may want to thank you for something you have done, or they just feel like getting and giving you gift.Don't rob their of their own blessing by rejecting their gift.
I was raised to feel like I owe something back to that person, but this is not necessarily true.
Accept the gift, and expect to receive the gift. Always consider the fact that God rewards those who obey His word. You reap what yous sow. When you do something for someone don't expect it back from them; do it knowing that first and formeost you're doing it unto the Lord and do it with love and joy.

As I progress in life it's hard for me turn from my past and go by what the bible says You do not have because you have not asked ". When you pray, you are not praying and believing according to how good you are but how good God is and that's been Eliza's thing. We seldom ask God for anything or feel like we deserve something because we don't think we deserve or are good enough but it's never about our goodness but His mercy and grace.

Eliza walks around the house knowing and praying that she expects something good to happen. Her mentality is "if there is anything good that's gonna happen, it'll happen to me." "For I know the thoughts and plans for you..to prosper you and to bless you to give you hope for the future.."

PRAY and expect and live in a manner that shows you know God heard your prayers and are expecting answers. EXPECT TO RECEIVE, and DON'T expect and feel that you need to give back to the person who has given. You may have blessed them in ways you couldn't imagine.

God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others.


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