April 26, 2012

“Wow dad treats me with chivalry”

From boys will be boys by Osh.

Chapter 2 “Wow dad treats me with chivalry” Treat that as you want other men treating them

Now that we did some wife bashing, we can move on to the next step. Our own behavior around our daughter will matter a lot. Treat her like you want the guy to treat her. Be Gentleman. What’s this mean? Bring back chivalry. When she is old enough to understand what it means to open the door for her, do it. Give her the last piece or bite of the pie. Put aside some of your time to have one on one with her and listen to how her day was and what she feels. YES LISTEN WHAT SHE FEELS and has on her mind.

You need to do for your daughter. WHY? This is to show her that she needs to be treated this way, this is how a boy should show her his respect. This is how a man should treat her now and in the future. She starts putting this as things that she likes in a man, and looks for it. Let’s face it not many guys treat women that great these days. This is your way of showing her how it really should work. 

Things you can do: Open her door if it the car door or the house door. Listen to her and the things she has to say, give her one on one time. Tuck and kiss her in goodnight. Support the hobbies and interests she has. Change the channel for the show she likes to watch and watch it with her.

P.S. Treating your wife with chivalry will help this process and have a positive impact in the big picture, ie: open the doors, listen, and spend one on one time.

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