April 16, 2012

There is something in your teeth

If someone has spinach in her teeth, or lipstick, a piece of lint on her skirt or toilet paper on her shoe, do you say something?

Sometimes people let it go because they don't want to make the person self conscious and others just say out loud in front of everyone embarrassing the person even more!

If I were the person with the spinach in my teeth, I'd want someone to tell me asap but only to me privately! There has been times where I've had to go to a meeting after lunch and I was in a hurry and I didn't see the eyeliner smeared across my face until after the meeting. So embarrassing!  I touch my face a lot so sometimes I smear my eye makeup.

Always always say something but my say I mean whisper it. You don't want to emabarras the person in public.


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