"Many men will do almost anything to gain the admiration of others. They will literally search for someone to love and respect them. Make sure that someone is you, their wife, and not someone else." (It takes two to tango)
It doesn’t matter how sarcastic or funny they are, I’m sure they have a limit to how much of ridicule and teasing they can take.
When your guy opens your car door, do you say thank you and appreciate his gesture? Or have you become so used to it that you’ve stopped acknowledging him?
When he goes out of his way to do something for the house, do you find something wrong with it no matter what or appreciate his efforts?
When we were first married, I’d get all worked up when things weren’t done a certain way aka “my way” around our place and even though my hubby would help me with everything, I’d point things out and try to correct him. It took about a year or so to stop and really acknowledge and appreciate the fact that he is even trying and wanting to help. I’ve gotten better at letting go and letting him do things the way he does as long as it gets the job done.
As wives, we should practice being thankful and showing appreciation with words and in action deliberately and intentionally. Many people mistake the continual thanking and compliment as being over rated and phony but really how else would we show our appreciation? I agree Actions speaker louder than words; But I also think if you can have both, why have one without the other. They go hand in hand.
Wives, Love and respect your husbands. The results are far worth it ;)
I asked my hubby about it and here is what he'd had to say :
I asked my hubby about it and here is what he'd had to say :
"Even if he only does the dishes and runs off with the guys or to his cave. You should be ecstatic that he doesn't fit the stereotype and thank him. The encouragement will actually motivate him to do more or to ask what he can help with."
Ephesians 5:33 “Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband”
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