April 25, 2012

Giving up the Myths about Protein- Like changing your Religion.

I can’t begin to tell you how often I get asked the question “how do you get your protein?” or “what about protein?” when people find out I don’t really eat meat. 

“Remember those four basic food group charts that we all saw in every classroom in elementary school? Protein had its own box, designed by a thick steak, a whole fish, and an entire chicken. Dairy foods had their own special box as well. A healthy diet we were taught, supposedly centered on meat and milk. Protein was taught to be the most favorable of all nutrients and lots of protein was taught to be the key to strength, health, and vigor. Unfortunately, cancer rates soared. According to research, we had to rethink what we had taught. Americans still cling to what they were taught. “

Any combination with natural foods will supply you with the protein you need. 

Which has more protein? 

Oatmeal, ham or tomato? They all have the same amount of protein per calorie. The difference is, tomato and the oatmeal are packaged with fiber and other disease fighting nutrients and ham is packaged with cholesterol and saturated fat.

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