Almost ten years ago, her hubby John Bevere was there speaking but I couldn't make it; however my mom was able to go and it is then she came home with Lisa Bever's books which she bought for me. One of them was Kiss the Girls and Made Them Cry and the other one was You Are Not What you Weight and in that book here is what my mom wrote.
Fast forward ten years and last night I met the woman herself. I was so excited and honored to get to speak with her and give her a big hug.
Last nights message was "Not an Option" and I took some notes to share with you.
It's your choice whether you may be a victim or a hero.
There are a lot of challenges in life but don't try to get out of it pre-maturily. Life is full of tests and if you try to get out of it before season, you'd have to go through it again and the second time around it will be harder. Don't give up. Stick through it so you will see the fruit of your labor.
This was my favorite take away: God knows our condition. But under pressure is when we know our condition.
A skinny person can have more fat than an actually bigger person which is called skinny fat. Our churches have skinny fat instead of muscles so we're not bearing strong fruit. What we may see from outside are good looking people with nice clothes and that's how some Christians are. They look good from the outside but they're not bearing fruit. We need to work out our faith and live it out so we can bear much fruit.
We only have two options: God option or NO OPTION.
Sometimes God wants just one person to stand up and say "it's not an option!" It's not an option to have a loveless marriage. It's not an option to have a nation that's falling apart. It's not an option to have a rebellious child. God is the option.
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