June 30, 2010

From Your Lips to your Hips

Ch 2: Overfed Yet MalNourished
The Effects of the American Diet II as adapted from Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman

Our natural sweet tooth should really be for fresh fruits. Reasearchers have discovered  substances that help prevent aging and protect the brain. Too bad our desire for sweets is typically satisified by candy bar and ice cream-not fresh fruit. The FDA estimated that average American consumes about 32 teaspoons of added sugar in one day.

If you want to lose weight, the most important foods to avoid are processed foods: condiments, candy, snacks, and baked goods; fat free has nothing to do with it. You must cut down from refined carbs like bagels, pasta and bread. Pasta is not health food-it is hurt food.

Empty calories are empty calories. Cookies, jams, and other processed foods sweeted with fruit juice" sound healther but are just as bad.

Another way that will keep you from your weight loss are salad dressings. Oils are 100% fat. There are lots of calories in just a litte bit of oil Fat such as olive oil can be stored on your body within minutes from your lips to your hips. Foods cooked in oil soak up more oil than you think.Olive oil and other salad and cooking oils are not health foods nor diet foods. Oil will add fat to our already plump waistlines increasing risk of disease including diabetes and heart attack.


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