Much of my internet time is spent from work since I work in front of a computer 8 hours a day and massive amounts of gap time comes my way to browse and go on facebook and whatever it is. I also keep my cell by me in case someone might try to communicate with me via text or very rare-a phone call.
I've been trying to turn my phone off when I leave work to stay away from all this technology but it's been tough. Since I went on my 40 day facebook fast for Easter, I haven't been able to not go on daily.
I was reading up on the nanny who called Ryan Seacrest yesterday and said something very true " Cell phones get in the way of quality time with parents and the kids" May I add it also does the same for couples with each other.
If you don't believe me, try to go on a date without taking your cell phone with you or even to work without it. How about when you're out with your friends leave your phone in your purse. It has almost become a vital necessity like really our lives depend on it.
Don't get me wrong. I love technology and the power it has given us to communicate with our friends and stay in touch with families that we don't see very often. However, I think it's become an addiction and it gets in the way of quality time and getting things done. .
I'll be the first to admit it. I really hate it. Just the other day I was tempted to throw my blackberry in the blender.
It's not a problem to use it and have one it's just I feel like we've become so attached to it that it's not healthy. We even eat our meals and go to bathroom with it.
What do you think?
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