March 27, 2012

She might be just a baby but she has already made a Big Difference

Our little munchkin has brought so much joy into our lives. She has made our lives wonderful in so many ways. Everything we do now is done with a purpose. Our lazy ass, couch potato days are over. Although we have withdrawals here and there but it can’t compare to the bundle of joy we have. When I look at her cute little face, twinkling eyes, I am reminded why the sleepless nights and selflessness is worth it.

Becoming a parent has taught me about myself, people, and life. This little person has made a huge difference in my life in just 10 months! I never knew I didn’t like responsibility until I had a baby and that was as permanent as you get and no running from it. I don’t think any book or anyone can ever prepare you for the amount of responsibility and work it takes to raise a child. We just see the cute pics and videos on Facebook and think that must be cute! Yes they’re very cute but you only see that part of it and not behind the scenes, puking, dirty diapers, screaming, running around and crying that goes down. Unless you're already a parent then you know what's up and you get it!  Don't get me wrong. I’m not complaining; just stating facts. The reason why I've listed a few is to declare that even with all of that craziness SHE’S worth it.

She has taught me patience when what I really wanted to do was call it a day and drink my Armenian coffee with chocolate and read my favorite book just to not deal with it. It has taught me team work – to be on my husband’s team and not go against each other but work with each other to build a solid family that’s safe, secure and full of love for Emma to blossom in. 

Having a baby has taught be about people: family and most of all friendships. It has made me a more accepting person with others whereas before some of the things they’d say or do would drive me crazy. It might be because I really don’t have the time and I’m too busy learning to love and trying to walk in love to really care about anything else. There are days I’m sidetracked but God has His way of bringing me back on track when I astray. 

Emma has taught me what it means to love to really love unconditionally of which the knowledge and experience of has made me fall in love with God even more realizing that’s how he loves me and you.

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. – James 1:17 (NLT) 

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