May 21, 2010

So you want to get skinny?

When you're fat there are the handful of people who let you know how fat you are and that you need to stop eating this and that to lose weight. There comes and day that you do lose the pounds and those same people then tell you how skinny you are and how you need to eat this and that. Don't listen to anyone.

You know your body the best. Do what makes you feel healthy. No size and no amount on the scale will make you any happier if you're not truly happy with yourself to begin with.

I've tried every diet you can think of. One day I got sick of it and the constant thought of "I need to lose weight". This happened right after we got back from our honeymoon. We had eaten so much,  I was at my heaviest on my wedding and even heavier when I got back. I just didn't like the stuffed feeling.

Two books changed my whole prespective on eating healthy. I had heard about the book Eat to Live from an inteview with Alanis Morisette. Three years prior to that during our visit to Barnes and Noble, I came aross the Skinny Bitch book which I bought and returned it the next day. I didn't like all the things they wrote about mostly because it was a vegan book. How can I not eat meat!??

After getting back from our honeymoon I read Eat to Live and did Dr. Fuhrman's six week plan my husband. He lost 15lbs in 3 weeks and I lost about 5lbs. While I was writing about the book on facebook one of my friends mentioned Skinny Bitch again so I went back and got it again, this time ended up keeping it and becoming a huge fan of theirs. It's pretty much an all vegan diet.

What I learned from these books, I applied to what best fit me and Osh. It's been a year since we started this eating healthy and working out thing and we both have lost over 20lbs and I feel so awesome.

Educate yourself then make up your own eating and work out plan that works best for you and stick to eat. No all you can eats or weekend binging.


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