- Oh wow did you come from running? or you dressed early to go running later?
- What's up with the outfit, oh my GOD and the pink laptop!!!!
- Is the mafia having a meeting after work you need to attend?
- Sopranos show called they want their outfit back
- Sopranos show called they are reprising the show and wanted you to play the drugged out brother of the main character
- What's up with the pink laptop? my answer "I just like pink OKAY?"
- WOW pink laptop? I'm really worried about you.
May 27, 2010
Comments I got for wearing PUMA Warm Ups, and a Pink laptop(to fix)
May 26, 2010
My new Girl Crush: Tracy Anderson
Tracy Anderson, you know her and if you don't, then you must! She is the famous celebrity trainer for Madonna, Gywenth Palthrow, Kate Hudson and many more---well I love her style and fitness routines. She is all about being skinny and ripped, NOT BULKY. I guess it's ok for a guy to be buff but I think girls with dancer bodies are soo hot and Tracy helps with that. She is so awesome and looks great. One of her methods which I've been doing and has been working is to adapt to eating light and work yourself up to a good decent dinner. As far as working out it's all about cardio, movement, and lifting 3lbs weights and her thing is intead of increasing weight, you increase your reps! She has Madonna and Gywenth's routine on her website http://action.tracyandersonmethod.com/
May 25, 2010
Restart or Jump starting your Spirit/Mind/Body/Soul again
We all get into a slump sometimes. When you feel like your just alive but not really LIVING.
Do you take a vacation to spice things up?
Pick up your favorite journal and write in all that you're feeling?
Go to your counselor/psych or best friend to vent?
How about trying to talk to GOD?
Feeling a bit down and out sometimes you feel helpless and you want jump start things again. I'm not a religious person but when I go to church and listen to their teachings I feel so much better. Even giving money to the church makes me feel better.
But mostly when there is a good preacher who cracks jokes and relates to us as humans and doesn't shove Jesus down our throats. Church becomes fun, and when you haven't gone for a while you kinda miss it. It is like a recharge for the week. You can get energized, uplifted, and feel full filled by the end of the service.
It only takes One and half hours MAX and you get this overwhelming feeling of triumph. Not only have you conquered the week's stresses but you get ready for the next week. On top of that you learn how to interact with people and your loved ones better.
Over all find a place you like. If it's hiking, if it's exercising, if it's reading an inspirational book. Find something that will "Restart your Faith/Mind/Body/and Soul"
Do you take a vacation to spice things up?
Pick up your favorite journal and write in all that you're feeling?
Go to your counselor/psych or best friend to vent?
How about trying to talk to GOD?
Feeling a bit down and out sometimes you feel helpless and you want jump start things again. I'm not a religious person but when I go to church and listen to their teachings I feel so much better. Even giving money to the church makes me feel better.
But mostly when there is a good preacher who cracks jokes and relates to us as humans and doesn't shove Jesus down our throats. Church becomes fun, and when you haven't gone for a while you kinda miss it. It is like a recharge for the week. You can get energized, uplifted, and feel full filled by the end of the service.
It only takes One and half hours MAX and you get this overwhelming feeling of triumph. Not only have you conquered the week's stresses but you get ready for the next week. On top of that you learn how to interact with people and your loved ones better.
Over all find a place you like. If it's hiking, if it's exercising, if it's reading an inspirational book. Find something that will "Restart your Faith/Mind/Body/and Soul"
May 24, 2010
The Modern Girl’s Guide to Sticky Situations
Jane Buckingham’s Solutions for Sticky Situations as seen on the Skinny Bitch Newsletter~
At Your Dinner Party …
Stuck: You Oversalt a Soup or Stew
In Luck: No worries, stick a piece of potato in while cooking and it will soak it up. Just remove it when done cooking.
Stuck: Your Cake Collapses
In Luck: Make a trifle. Break the cake into bits and put onto bowls with fruit and whipped cream or ice cream. No one will know the difference.
Stuck: Your Outdoor Dinner Party is Being Overrun by Mosquitoes and You Have No Insect Repellent
In Luck: Offer each guest a half sheet of fabric softener to put through their belt loop or bra. Mosquitoes hate the smell of it!
Stuck: The Bread You Bought is Stale
In Luck: Sprinkle it with water, wrap in aluminum foil and heat in the oven for 10 minutes.
At Someone Else’s Dinner Party …
Stuck: You Don’t Know What to Bring
In Luck: Wine is fine but boring. Loose flowers are gorgeous but your frenzied hostess may have used all of her vases. So instead think about a potted plant (I’m all about cactuses these days) or an interesting beverage like Proseco.
Stuck: Your Ex is There … With Someone Else
In Luck: Don’t avert your gaze, look straight into his eyes, say hello and introduce yourself to his, um, friend. Chat politely, say nothing snide and move on. Do not sit near them and do not drink too much. The less said the better.
Stuck: You Want to Leave a Party Early But Don’t Want to Look Rude
In Luck: First and foremost, give your hostess advance warning. This will make it clear that it’s not about the party itself but a prior commitment. Make it swift and silent. No need to say goodbye to everyone. Just say a brief goodbye to the people you are directly talking with then find your host. Thank him and her, and point out some aspect of the party you enjoyed. Call the next day to thank the host again. If desperate you can always use the Fake-A-Call App on your I-phone to schedule an emergency call from what sounds like a real person.
For my Solutions to your Sticky Situation you can check out Jane's book http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Girls-Guide-Sticky-Situations/dp/0061776351
At Your Dinner Party …
Stuck: You Oversalt a Soup or Stew
In Luck: No worries, stick a piece of potato in while cooking and it will soak it up. Just remove it when done cooking.
Stuck: Your Cake Collapses
In Luck: Make a trifle. Break the cake into bits and put onto bowls with fruit and whipped cream or ice cream. No one will know the difference.
Stuck: Your Outdoor Dinner Party is Being Overrun by Mosquitoes and You Have No Insect Repellent
In Luck: Offer each guest a half sheet of fabric softener to put through their belt loop or bra. Mosquitoes hate the smell of it!
Stuck: The Bread You Bought is Stale
In Luck: Sprinkle it with water, wrap in aluminum foil and heat in the oven for 10 minutes.
At Someone Else’s Dinner Party …
Stuck: You Don’t Know What to Bring
In Luck: Wine is fine but boring. Loose flowers are gorgeous but your frenzied hostess may have used all of her vases. So instead think about a potted plant (I’m all about cactuses these days) or an interesting beverage like Proseco.
Stuck: Your Ex is There … With Someone Else
In Luck: Don’t avert your gaze, look straight into his eyes, say hello and introduce yourself to his, um, friend. Chat politely, say nothing snide and move on. Do not sit near them and do not drink too much. The less said the better.
Stuck: You Want to Leave a Party Early But Don’t Want to Look Rude
In Luck: First and foremost, give your hostess advance warning. This will make it clear that it’s not about the party itself but a prior commitment. Make it swift and silent. No need to say goodbye to everyone. Just say a brief goodbye to the people you are directly talking with then find your host. Thank him and her, and point out some aspect of the party you enjoyed. Call the next day to thank the host again. If desperate you can always use the Fake-A-Call App on your I-phone to schedule an emergency call from what sounds like a real person.
For my Solutions to your Sticky Situation you can check out Jane's book http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Girls-Guide-Sticky-Situations/dp/0061776351
Dinner Party,
Skinny Bitch,
Sticky Situations
May 22, 2010
Fasting Detoxification
Since I previously wrote So You want to Get Skinny blog I wanted to share the Fasting Cleansing we did a year ago. After finishing with our 6 week Eat to Live Program, we decided to do a cleansing fast for 21 days on liquids mostly to finish off the detoxification process of the 6 week program. I know we're crazy. I don't know what we were thinking but we both agreed to it. If you ask us now to do it for a day we wouldn't be able to. It was like a divine appointment.
Prior to our fast I borrowed Jentzen Franklin's book "Fasting"
to get equipped. We stacked up on 100% juices and bought fresh fruit to make smoothies.
Of course there is never a convenient time to start and keep a fast. As soon as you decide on something like that, one way or the other someone will offer you your favorite meal or bring chocolates to work.
During the fast, the first 3 days were the hardest. You're body is getting rid of toxics and your craving everything. We both had headaches and were a bit edgy. After the 3rd day, the feeling of hunger went away and it became a lot more easier. Reading the Bible and prayer became literally our daily bread.
One of the websites that we got a lot of our info about fasting and the befits of fasting was from this fasting detoxification sitehttp://www.fasting.ws/juice-fasting/
Obviously just like anything else talk to your doc before you do anything like this.
We were able to keep it up for 12 days -that's when we starting feeling hungry again.
Prior to our fast I borrowed Jentzen Franklin's book "Fasting"
Of course there is never a convenient time to start and keep a fast. As soon as you decide on something like that, one way or the other someone will offer you your favorite meal or bring chocolates to work.
During the fast, the first 3 days were the hardest. You're body is getting rid of toxics and your craving everything. We both had headaches and were a bit edgy. After the 3rd day, the feeling of hunger went away and it became a lot more easier. Reading the Bible and prayer became literally our daily bread.
One of the websites that we got a lot of our info about fasting and the befits of fasting was from this fasting detoxification sitehttp://www.fasting.ws/juice-fasting/
Obviously just like anything else talk to your doc before you do anything like this.
We were able to keep it up for 12 days -that's when we starting feeling hungry again.
May 21, 2010
So you want to get skinny?
When you're fat there are the handful of people who let you know how fat you are and that you need to stop eating this and that to lose weight. There comes and day that you do lose the pounds and those same people then tell you how skinny you are and how you need to eat this and that. Don't listen to anyone.
You know your body the best. Do what makes you feel healthy. No size and no amount on the scale will make you any happier if you're not truly happy with yourself to begin with.
After getting back from our honeymoon I read Eat to Live and did Dr. Fuhrman's six week plan http://fatfreevegan.com/blog/2010/01/01/eat-to-live-6-week-plan/with my husband. He lost 15lbs in 3 weeks and I lost about 5lbs. While I was writing about the book on facebook one of my friends mentioned Skinny Bitch again so I went back and got it again, this time ended up keeping it and becoming a huge fan of theirs. It's pretty much an all vegan diet.
What I learned from these books, I applied to what best fit me and Osh. It's been a year since we started this eating healthy and working out thing and we both have lost over 20lbs and I feel so awesome.
Educate yourself then make up your own eating and work out plan that works best for you and stick to eat. No all you can eats or weekend binging.
You know your body the best. Do what makes you feel healthy. No size and no amount on the scale will make you any happier if you're not truly happy with yourself to begin with.
I've tried every diet you can think of. One day I got sick of it and the constant thought of "I need to lose weight". This happened right after we got back from our honeymoon. We had eaten so much, I was at my heaviest on my wedding and even heavier when I got back. I just didn't like the stuffed feeling.
Two books changed my whole prespective on eating healthy. I had heard about the book Eat to Live from an inteview with Alanis Morisette. Three years prior to that during our visit to Barnes and Noble, I came aross the Skinny Bitch book which I bought and returned it the next day. I didn't like all the things they wrote about mostly because it was a vegan book. How can I not eat meat!??
What I learned from these books, I applied to what best fit me and Osh. It's been a year since we started this eating healthy and working out thing and we both have lost over 20lbs and I feel so awesome.
Educate yourself then make up your own eating and work out plan that works best for you and stick to eat. No all you can eats or weekend binging.
Eat to Live,
losing weight,
Skinny Bitch
Let's talk about Dieting. Stop ITS SUMMA TIME (sorry that was lame)
Should I follow the Sexy Bitch and go all vegan and never look back?
Or the Dr. who wrote "Eat to Live". Cleanse your body by going vegan for 6-8 weeks.
Then eat lean meat only 10-20% of the time. Lean = Turkey, Chicken, some Fish (like maybe shark i don't really know which fishes are leaner then others), Buffalo, and Pork. Little less Lean = Beef, Salmon, and the other fish I don't know about like WHALEs and Seagulls.
As a guy trying to lose weight while trying to look fit like Marky Mark (Mark Wahlberg) or Hanah Montana (who is really Miley Cyrus{"oh my god I didn't know that", just amazing how she can play totally different roles and personalities in the same show, and know can figure it out.}great actress).
I gotta ask what is the proper diet? Is the shake I drink contain a sufficient amount of protein to produce muscles, yet help me loose weight because I'm not in-taking fat?
I'm going to work on this current diet I'm on right now, and I'll report back to everyone the end of summer.
After every workout: A protein shake and some kind of Carb maybe croutons with Salad
Morning: Banana or other fruit, or a Diet supplement shake like a Slimfast, coffee with fruit is ok too
Lunch: Salad some crouton or raisins, with a vinaigrette type dressing or something that doesn't have too much oil
After work on the way to the gym: another Banana, and a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Weekends: Have fun but try to squeeze in a fun sporty activity like hiking or swimming specially during summer
FOOD WISE: avoid 10 hot dog bbqs with a bowl of chips and 6 cans of beer, and that was just brunch.
TRY TO MAINTAIN what you do during the week but maybe splurge with some moderate starches; CORN, Baked potatoes. (YES PUT a slice of butter or a Tablespoon Sour Cream)
Your body does need fat too.
So far I've been doing this for 2 weeks, I'm noticing my weight to be maintaining and muscles a little more cut(ripped/lean) with a weight avg 192.
written by: Osheen (haha imagine I didn't write that was written by me and you all thought Eliz was 192 lbs. How is that Skinny Bitch so skinny and weighs so much? HAHA) no really it's written by Osheen.
Should I follow the Sexy Bitch and go all vegan and never look back?
Or the Dr. who wrote "Eat to Live". Cleanse your body by going vegan for 6-8 weeks.
Then eat lean meat only 10-20% of the time. Lean = Turkey, Chicken, some Fish (like maybe shark i don't really know which fishes are leaner then others), Buffalo, and Pork. Little less Lean = Beef, Salmon, and the other fish I don't know about like WHALEs and Seagulls.
As a guy trying to lose weight while trying to look fit like Marky Mark (Mark Wahlberg) or Hanah Montana (who is really Miley Cyrus{"oh my god I didn't know that", just amazing how she can play totally different roles and personalities in the same show, and know can figure it out.}great actress).
I gotta ask what is the proper diet? Is the shake I drink contain a sufficient amount of protein to produce muscles, yet help me loose weight because I'm not in-taking fat?
I'm going to work on this current diet I'm on right now, and I'll report back to everyone the end of summer.
After every workout: A protein shake and some kind of Carb maybe croutons with Salad
Morning: Banana or other fruit, or a Diet supplement shake like a Slimfast, coffee with fruit is ok too
Lunch: Salad some crouton or raisins, with a vinaigrette type dressing or something that doesn't have too much oil
After work on the way to the gym: another Banana, and a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Weekends: Have fun but try to squeeze in a fun sporty activity like hiking or swimming specially during summer
FOOD WISE: avoid 10 hot dog bbqs with a bowl of chips and 6 cans of beer, and that was just brunch.
TRY TO MAINTAIN what you do during the week but maybe splurge with some moderate starches; CORN, Baked potatoes. (YES PUT a slice of butter or a Tablespoon Sour Cream)
Your body does need fat too.
So far I've been doing this for 2 weeks, I'm noticing my weight to be maintaining and muscles a little more cut(ripped/lean) with a weight avg 192.
written by: Osheen (haha imagine I didn't write that was written by me and you all thought Eliz was 192 lbs. How is that Skinny Bitch so skinny and weighs so much? HAHA) no really it's written by Osheen.
May 20, 2010
Multiple Personalities
Eliza loves this subject. I don't know if everyone is like this but I haven't found too many people to do this. They adapt or imitate movie personalities as soon as they see the movie. They act like the characters from the movies they watch.
I'm not saying that you watched the XMEN and now you pretend you're Wolverine (you're not 10 anymore) slash slash.
If I watch Will Ferrel movie like "Anchor Man" (rumor there is a part 2 in the making...YESSS) I start ranting and raving like Will Ferrel in "Anchor Man". Eliza JUST LLLLOOOOVVVEESS that.
Does any one else do this that you know?
Is there a person or hero you look up to that you try to follow and imitate?
I'm not saying that you watched the XMEN and now you pretend you're Wolverine (you're not 10 anymore) slash slash.
If I watch Will Ferrel movie like "Anchor Man" (rumor there is a part 2 in the making...YESSS) I start ranting and raving like Will Ferrel in "Anchor Man". Eliza JUST LLLLOOOOVVVEESS that.
Does any one else do this that you know?
Is there a person or hero you look up to that you try to follow and imitate?
Cabo is the craziest city we have visited by far minus the naked beach in Jamaica.
You can also visit the blog at Traveler's Review
Tour guy: Are you guys married:
Osh and El: yessss
Tour guy: To each other?
Osh and El: yah uh.
Tour guy: Kidding amigo, it’s a Cabo joke.
You’ve just got to put your “Just say no” cap on the second you land to Mexico. Everyone is trying to sell tours, activities, time shares and cocaine. Taxi is about $30 to $40 a person from the airport to the hotel. We passed on that offer and took the shuttle for $16 per person. The only difference in that choice is taxi is private and takes you straight to your hotel but shuttle stops at two markets for snacks and beer.
On the tour bus there was a time share/tour guide type guy. Trying to get you to sit on a time share and offers a bunch of free stuff if you sit on a meeting. I SAY DO IT. It’s a waste of only about 3 hours of your day. But it will save you about $200-300 in tours.
We did it the first day we got there. Got a free breakfast, they offered to give 2 free tours, and a tequila bottle if we saw their time share. We went in they picked us up for free, we ate they talked we said NO all the way thru to the end. AND got our vouchers for "Couples parasailing" retail 50 per person for only 15minutes, and "Jungle boat/booze cruise" all you can drink party boat for I think it was 3 or 4 hours long I DON"T RMEMEBER. retail 45 per person. VERY FUN. and the tequila better quality tasting than I thought.
To our surprise it was pretty safe walking outside of our resort and to the city. From our place to their downtown was about a 20 minute walk so we walked a lot! You can also take the taxi which come out to $6 - 8 a couple each time(but you have to negotiate and haggle). We liked walking. Their mall had cheaper souvenirs than the flea markets. If you’re planning on bringing back stuff, shop from the mall. Unless you want to buy fake Prada glasses then I suggest you going to the flea markets. In the flea market have a set price in mind that you want to spend on a certain item.
I wanted to buy 2 fake imitation glasses for $20. but the guy was asking $32 at first. I started walking away and they called me back and sold 2 for $20.
The prices are much more flexible than we gave them credit for.
Their beach is 10ft deep after 2 steps into the ocean! So good for snorkeling when the waves are calm.
They don’t card you anywhere for anything. No real age limit.
Lastly, if you’re vacationing with children please put blindfolds on while waiting for your flight in the airport because they had adult movies showing on their TV screen everywhere.
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