February 21, 2011

Wait for it Patiently

Don’t ask God for patience;  you might get pregnant. I’m joking. However, I never quite understood why so many pastors used pregnancy as an analogy for waiting on God and patience until I got pregnant myself. The first three months into it, I was already ready to quit and give up. I realized that there was not much I could do other than wait out the nine months for the baby’s delivery which gave me hope and strength for the different stages of pregnancy. I knew the promise would come and the vision of the promise is what helped me endure it all. I had to purposely watch my mouth and stop myself from complaining and instead start thanking God for such an awesome blessing. Even now, almost seven months pregnant, I want it to be already nine months. But I know if the baby came now she would be premature and so the nine months of waiting is needed and essential for a healthy baby. Likewise, in our lives there are seasons of “pregnancy” in which all we can do is wait it out patiently with a good attitude and keep our eyes on Jesus knowing that the promise will come. He is faithful to His word.

Reference below is adapted from the book Streams in the Desert, pgs 83, 84.
“Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him. (Psalm 37:7)

Have you prayed and prayed, and waited and waited, and still you see no evidence of an answer?

Are you tired of seeing no movement?

Are you at the point of giving up?

Then perhaps you have not waited in the right way, which removes you from the right place- the place where the Lord can meet you.

“Wait for it patiently” Rom 8:25.

Patience eliminates worry.

Patience eliminates weeping. Why feel so sad and discouraged? He knows your needs better than you do, and His purpose in waiting is to receive more glory through it.

Patience eliminates self-works.

Patience eliminates all want.

Patience eliminates all weakness. Instead of thinking of waiting as being wasted time, realize that God is preparing His resources and strengthening you as well.

Patience yields worship.

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