It’s been over a year that I’ve been a flexible vegan. By flexible I mean I eat cheese and milk SOMETIMES when i can't avoid it.. We have replaced dairy with soy products and when we visit our parents we can’t expect them to have soy cheese and milk so that’s when the flexibility comes in. Other than that, I haven’t had trouble staying away from meat nor do I crave it. It’s more of a knowledge thing than will power and control. I believe if people knew about the foods they are eating well enough they would honor and take care of their bodies and health more.
Wanted to share a part of Dr. Fuhrman’s book from chapter 3 regarding US government of Meat, Milk and Cheese. On page 65 Dr. Fuhrman talks about our government spending more than $20 billion to support meat, milk and cheese industry. “This money is given to farmers to artificially reduce the cost of crops used to feed cows” this is to help reduce the cost of dairy foods. Sadly, fruits and vegetables are excluded for their support.
Out of one pocket, we pay billions of dollars in tax to support diseases causing foods. Out of the other pocket, we pay medical bills that are too high because our over-weight population consumes too much of these disease causing foods. The reality is that our tax dollars are spent to make our society sicker and keep our health insurance high.
Dr. Fuhrman is actually very anti food pyramid because he feels that if each one of us were to follow it’s serving size we’ll all become a mummy. The pyramid recommends a lot of animal food servings that cause diseases and suggests we consume a huge quantity of low-nutrient content foods such as cereals, white bread and pasta. He also doesn’t agree the way foods are grouped together. For instance while nuts and beans are good for us, in that same group we have meat which contributes to cholesterol and heart disease. The data doesn’t allow enough vegetation for people to prevent diseases.
To prevent and reverse disease we shouldn’t yo yo diet but learn about nutrition and the quality of the foods we eat. Once we learn how to eat healthy, thinness and health will walk hand in hand, happily ever after.
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