I can't say all guys are the same. As we know not all women are the same. I'm going to the generals and the stereotypes, because they stand out the most out of the batch of great guys. I would also like to add that this is my opinion and in no way shape or form will truly explain all thoughts that go in the back of a guys mind, as we know sometimes there are no thoughts just action.
Lastly I would like to add that what is going to be written is not effecting my relationship with my wife, in which our marriage grows stronger as time goes, mostly because we really take time and care to work at it. We also love the challenge to prove all these statistics wrong. With love, laughs, and prayer we over come.
It's interesting how it is so much easier explaining why women cheat than it is for guys.
For women you can scientifically say that 8 of 10 cheat because:
- She doesn't feel fulfilled by their partners one or another. Either he doesn't say I love you enough
- (once a year on Valentines Day if he remembers.)
- She wants more physical affection and he is not always around
- (either long distant relationship, which almost never works) or
- (he is out working hard to put bread on the table and she stays home all alone)
- we'll touch on this one in a bit
- She needs a companion that listens
- (this one takes training on the guys part)
- we don't want to come home after 8 - 12 hours of work and listen to another boss yapper
I still argue sometimes that men are like majority of animals, I like to compare us to lions, but most of you women like to call us dogs. THIS MAKES SENSE. If I am a dog why don't I act like one. What do I mean by animal. In the animal kingdom most men instinctively have more than one mate. This is due to spreading our seed in more than one place, to seek more territory, and show the other males surrounding that we have are a big pack. In the early days of the bible (the old Testament), Moses, Abraham, were asked by GOD to attain more than one wife and create the world we live in. I'm not saying it's written the Bible so it's right. Those men were able to support the women, and their kids, and it was for GOD they were doing this it was part of HIS plan.
Now we have condoms and birth control, curiosity, and half naked girls prancing around in front of us tempting the lion/DOG.
Workaholic male: Let's take married who does work all the time to put bread on the table for the family. Most of the time the women is so resentful of him not paying attention to him, she doesn't take the time to tell him that she appreciates it. Women expect a lot of compliments, and have a tendency of not Paying any back. If women do this and give the man attention, just wait for all the attention that you will get from the guy.
He doesn't compliments he is gonna go somewhere else to get them. Doesn't matter if the other women is good looking or not. JUST ONE COMPLIMENT LATER a 5 will look like an 8 to the guy and an 8 is like a 12 in most guys' standards. (btw in women's standards the 5 is like a 3...in their opinion).
Doesn't want another Boss at home male: This somewhat ties in with the workaholic male but definitely a different take on it. We all go to work I understand that. We all have bosses that bitch and moan to us and make us do a lot more work than we get paid for. When men come home the woman likes to take over and be the boss. Guys don't do that. So what happens she bitches and moans, he shuts himself off, and gradually he starts leaving the house. Goes to friends houses, they start going to play pool, start going to the bar to watch the game. All fun and innocent, relaxing, just getting away from all the noise (metaphorically speaking). Then who comes along but women who wants to here about him, and wants get bossed around. Well things get started from there. If his wife and girlfriend paid attention to how his day went, instead of telling him how he didn't dry all the water spots off the white plates (which you can't see water spots on), he wouldn't run away to the bar.
Needs someone to care and show some jealousy: I've met the new generation of women. The girl who has been hurt in the past for being too attentive, suffocating, and clingy. So now she is too free and none caring with the guy. This leads the guy to stray and act single. You kinda become his backup plan/Fuck buddy. Who wouldn't want that right? Pretend you're committed go to most places with her, dates, outings, and trips. But when you want to hang with friends she leaves you alone and doesn't ask any questions the next day. There has to be a balance. If your guy or girl is going out find out where, question them the next day (was it fun? What did you guys do?). You'll make them feel that you care about them and the relationship, and it will be a conversation. JUST DON'T PESTER ABOUT EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. DON'T DIG ANY DEEPER THAN THE OTHER WANTS TO SHARE. Then you create balance. You share care enough for your partner not to stray too far. You will show concern about parts where you don't feel comfortable with (things that may have happened). You then will have an actual conversation and communication with your partner.
Keep away and stay on the correct road (this will be a long one): This is for the guy who goes to the places where he is gonna get himself in trouble. LADIES STRIP CLUBS are the least of your concerns, actually I'll go as far as saying you're almost better off being okay with your guy at a strip club, than the dance club. I've not once seen one of my friends or a guy around me get a strippers digits(phone number). In fact whenever I personally have gone to a strip club, I've wanted a girl to have sex with almost immediately, who else would I turn to but my wife or my girlfriend (easy access) after I've left the strip club. This is just it, women get mad at guys for strip clubs and being strippers where as I see them as your safest bet. If your guy says he is going to a DANCE CLUB, then he is getting off the road and into the arms of POTENTIALLY (i stress that because it won't necessarily happen) cheat. I have a tendency to go to even a wedding and scope the crowd of women dancing, let alone go to a club drink a few drinks, and my POTENTIAL of NEVER cheating turns around because I have strayed from the right path.
It's actually a very SIMPLE CONCEPT try to avoid putting yourself in tempting situations.
Don't just say you trust em, SHOW and PROVE it: I've seen this thousands of times. "Of course baby I trust you, but I don't want you to do this, this, and this." Then the guy gets a list of things he is not aloud to do when he goes out on a trip, or out to the bar with his friends. If a person real trust, they will let that person go without saying anything or asking for anything, just EXPECT THAT THE GUY WILL DO THE RIGHT THING. If you are not confident in the trust he will notice and he will start agreeing with your distrust (he will sought out to PROVE YOU RIGHT, if you still don't get it. HE WILL GIVE YOU A REASON TO NEVER TRUST AGAIN). Now I strongly believe that LIKE DOGS, guys are faithful to their owners. You own the pussy that gives the most and doesn't resist giving so we will be faithful. NATURALLY FAITHFUL. Don't give the dog reasons NOT to try other bones, he won't be curious to try them to see why you are NOT allowing it. Girls have this tendency to have these set rules in their heads that they like to enforce... HARSHLY. Keep your rules to yourselves, we have the same rules and morals in our head, WE JUST DON'T TALK about them. We believe (for the most part) on the same things. Karma, we wouldn't want you to cheat or do lousy things to hurt our feelings either (YES most guys have feelings too. WOW amazing huh?)
The stripper is working, she or he just wants your money NOTHING MORE.
But if you stay from TEMPTATION you will not get tempted and you will not come off the road.
Say he wants to go to a club with his friends (most likely friends are still single). His friends are gonna want to meet girls, or hook up. Most likely they'll need a wing man. Being the nice guy he does this (still with no intention of cheating), he starts a convo and hits it off.
If you don't go with your "single friends" you won't get in trouble.
Single friends tempt a guy A LOT. I personally have 3 single guys, but they are extremely chill, the one that goes to the clubs and parties knows not to ask me or tease me with it. It's respect for my relationship. I do remember when I was younger that we didn't have this respect for the coupled off guys. We didn't care who they were seeing or with they needed to be with us where ever we went.
The best advice for both sexes is Don't Wonder Off or Out of your Relationship path. Talk to each other know what the other wants and is ok with. Be faithful to each other, and work on the relationship, it's NEVER one sided work. STAY AWAY FROM TEMPT AND YOU WON'T be TEMPTED.
By Osheen.
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