October 24, 2011

Up All Night

A lot of people mistakenly get married hoping marriage will solve their problems. Marriage actually creates more and bigger problems. If you don’t have a strong foundation, any little wave can come crashing your house down. Before marriage, life is one exciting date after another. True love is tested when you get married making the biggest commitment of your life, living together finding all the faults of each other and yet loving waking up and going to bed with that person every day. True love is when you’re crazy in love about the person and to show it you:  make the morning coffee, take out the trash, vacuum, pay the bills, make the bed, get her flowers, buy him basketball cards, watch football with him,  and drink Armenian coffee with her even though you hate to. 

You now not only have each other’s relationship to maintain but you both have sets of friends, families, siblings, cousins, coworkers; and to maintain those relationship you’ve got to invest time.
Unfortunately things with friends and family change because now you’re a family of your own and you’ve got to make boundaries and prioritize to first nourish and maintain your relationship of a husband and wife and if you have a baby then you know your life becomes smaller but better. This is the transitional time that you might offend a lot of people especially single friends. But it’s ok, because soon enough they will write their own stories and meet you at your page.  

Our weekends are now spent playing with Emma, visiting our parents, attending family gatherings, and helping them out with things like setting up the backyard umbrella, church, laundry and grocery shopping. This might sound like a boring life to some but for me it’s the ordinary simple things that bring fulfillment and happiness at the end of the day. Even though we don’t see our friends as much as we used to and like to we are always thinking of them and trying to create opportunities to see them as we do with cousins. We no longer stay up all night clubbing, partying, or bar hoping but we stay up all night telling stories, watching movies and laughing together. 


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