Now, with God's help, I shall become myself. - Soren Kierkegaard.
I could not quiet that pearly ache in my heart that I diagnosed as the cry of home. - Pat Conroy
Summary of The Life You've Always Wanted
chapter 1 "We Shall Morph Indeed" The Hope of Transformation
By John Orthberg
Dis-appointing God
I am disappointed with myself...I have a nagging sense that all is not as it should be. I am in a state of dis-appointment. I am missing the life that I was appointed by God to live. I have removed Him from the central role he longs to play in my life; I have refused to let God be God and have appointed myself in His place. We are called by God to live our uniquely created selves- our temperament, our gene pool and our history.
Inextinguishable Hope and the Gospel
The story of the human race is not of universal disappointment, but one of inextinguishable Hope. Every age has produced fairy tales. Something inside of us believes, or wants to believe, that the world we know is not the whole story. We long for the re enchantment of reality. We hope that death is not the end, that the universe is something more than an enclosed terrarium. So we keep spinning and repeating stories that hold the promise of another world. Fairy Tales aren't just about transformation about the world around us but about the transformation of central characters: frogs becoming princes, ugly ducklings become swans,etc. These are all features the gospel has in common with fairy tales, with this one great difference: The gospel is true. The Kingdom of God is closer than you think. It is available to ordinary people and you can live in it-now.
This is not fiction. Incredible as it may seem, an ordinary human being can do extraordinary things. This is promised in the gospel-the Good News proclaimed by Jesus. "the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe the good news." The good news as Jesus preached it is that now it is possible for ordinary men and women to live in the presence and under the power of God. The good news as Jesus preached it is not about minimal entrance requirements for getting into heaven when you die. It is about the glories redemption of human life-your life.
It's morphing time.
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