January 27, 2011

My First Trimester: Hell and Back.

Breathe. It's been awhile since I've blogged; maybe because I was too busy being pregnant. Yes, it's true and it's finally really showing! I am going into my 6th month this February and our baby girl Emma Olivia Cholakian is due May 18, 2011.

The most popular question: Were you planning?
Answer: Yes and No. It was Spontaneous.
We took Osh's aunt Hasmik morkur's advise which was: If you want to have a baby try to conceive in July or August that way you'll skip having a winter baby which would decrease changes of the baby catching a cold and you'd have your baby right before the start of school year. Made perfect sense so we gave it a shot or else we would have waited another year for July or August.

I had heard about morning sickness in the first trimester but no one had told me the emotional ups and downs that I might experience. I never threw up but it was hell. The only way to describe the first trimester is PMS symptoms times a gazillion other than fatigue to the max, it included: Major mood swings, anxiety and a mixture of depression, mixed feelings, uncertaintity and extremely touchy. I cried about everything and nothing. First it was every day, then it became every other day, once a week, every other week and so on. I thought I was losing my mind and all I wanted was Prozac because I have been told that it can cheer you up. Unfortunely when you're pregnant the only thing you can take is a bubble bath.

Looking back,  I don't know how I did it because I didn't think I could live one more day feeling the way I did. I am so fortuante for having a supportive, loving husband, family and friends who helped me through with encourgaing words and lots of prayers. I am even more grateful to God for carrying me when I couldn't walk. I prayed myself through every day. This time, I learned that when I couldn't take or do anything to better my situation, I had  God to depend on and cry out for help for everything. He has been faithful.

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